Ripping through Innerspace: Reflecting on my journey with the ‘Rona (Part 1)

When the bug dragged me down under the dark blanket of bedridden exhaustion, I used the opportunity to employ visualization with the Sacred Fire whenever I could. My time under this cloak of physical illness brought with it interesting spiritual insight. Overcome with extreme fatigue, my awareness straddled the dimensions between realities.  As I sank into… Continue reading Ripping through Innerspace: Reflecting on my journey with the ‘Rona (Part 1)

Using All of Our SPIRitual Tools- A Return to Spirit through Ritual

An alchemy takes place when creating a sacred space dedicated to the Divine ~ The genuine intent for which you bless your space is the most important ingredient while designing your area, for it charges the space to your personal frequency.

Desperately Seeking Serenity: A lesson in the importance of Sacred Space

Little did I realize how much I rely on nature to sink into Sacred Space. It had been officially a year since Ron began work in Sicily. Although he was home in the Spring for several weeks, it was time for a visit. Under normal circumstances, a trip to Sicily would be quite exciting! But… Continue reading Desperately Seeking Serenity: A lesson in the importance of Sacred Space


When you keep from the Sacred Fires and stay in the 3-D too long - you become susceptible to third density more intensely. The energetics of the outer world begin to affect you much more. The 432hz frequency of Gratitude in the chant helps to keep the integrity of the sacred geometry of our system reinforced. Without recalibration to reinforce the geometric structures, they became weakened and filled with “congestion.”

REFORMATTING: Overcoming difficult Ascension Symptoms

If you find yourself struggling in your personal spiritual practice, if you find yourself out-of-sorts, lethargic, apathetic, experiencing ringing-in-the-ears, perhaps you may be undergoing a REFORMATTING of your system for an Ascension upgrade.

Lean into the Pain: Healing the Fragments of Feminine Power

So that old, ancient twinge, that deep ache in my center began to communicate with me again, letting me know that I still have work to do.  How can this STILL be here after all these years of reprieve? I started to feel defeated, that I missed the mark with my spiritual application. But then,… Continue reading Lean into the Pain: Healing the Fragments of Feminine Power

We The People Online Event

Hello Beloveds! It has been a minute since I've posted this site, as I have received clear instruction to create an online event to publicly release the Liberty Codes for America. I reach out with a heartfelt welcome and invite you to participate with me in a priestess event that I am hosting at the… Continue reading We The People Online Event

Stitching Bands of Magnetism Upon the Wings of a Dragonfly

When I work on projects, I usually create quite a mess. Often, I have several projects going on at once.  I've become friendly with the chaos of my partially-finished projects, however, and I have used it as a tool to deepen my creativity. I've lost my sense of judgement against the resulting clutter and and… Continue reading Stitching Bands of Magnetism Upon the Wings of a Dragonfly

Innocence and Sunlight – A Magical Alchemy.

When I was a teenager, I purchased a piece of pottery that I admired for many years. It had a Hopi saying on it that I resonated deeply with, but I never understood why.  Innocence has been a theme that has been emerging strongly in my meditations lately. I wrote an article a couple days… Continue reading Innocence and Sunlight – A Magical Alchemy.